
Electric Hand pallet Trucks Harlow Essex

For those without comedic tastes, the "questionable parody" of this website called Wikipedia have an article very remotely related to .

Harrogate is a dormitory town for nouveau-rich warehouse distribution owners, working in Leeds and Bradford; or wives of overseas businessman, keeping occupied running small lingerie or horse-and-hound shops in town, so they are not being kept occupied by a local plumber or milkman. Harrogate is preposterously prosperous and boasts some of the highest property prices in England, with many houses in the town and surrounding villages valued at £1 million or more.

Harrogate is situated on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, with the Vale of York to the east and the upland Yorkshire Dales to the west and north-west. It has a dry and mild climate, typical of places in the rain shadow of the Pennines. It is on the A59 from Skipton to York, the most dangerous road in the UK due to the incompatibility between Maseratis and Massey Fergusons. At an altitude of between 100 and 200 metres, Harrogate is higher than many English settlements, meaning the residents can't help but look down at the other towns. It has an average minimum temperature in January of slightly below 0 °C(32 °F), although the majority do not know this, as they tend to be in the Caribbean at that time of year. Harrogate has an average maximum in July and August of 20 °C (68 °F).


Harrogate conference centre is the place to be seen, looking at shiny expensive things that you really can't afford.

Harrogate is only matched by London in its ability to have an exceptionally strong economy based on the "castles on air" principal, by becoming the place to "see shiny things" and if you can afford it, "buy shiny things". The conference and exhibition "industry" is the focus of the town's showing business, with Harrogate International Centre the third largest fully integrated conference and exhibition centre in the UK, and one of the largest in Europe. Despite the fact that Harrogate serves no other purpose than showing, and giving property programs something to get excited about, the town nets over £150 million every year and attracts in excess of 350, 000 business visitors annually.

The town is home to the Great Yorkshire Showground and Pavilions of Harrogate, which today are major destinations for regional agricultural industry, hosted by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. The Great Yorkshire Show, Countryside Live and the twice yearly Harrogate Flower Show takes place there annually. The many business visitors to Harrogate sustain a number of large hotels, some originally built for visitors to the spa, others to prevent people from pitching a tent on the Stray, for which the punishment is to down a pint of the lethal spa water.

To maintain the illusion of intelligent opulence, the street names of Harrogate's main shopping district suggests historical ties with the elite areas of the South. Cambridge Street, Oxford Street, Beulah Street and James Street are where most of the high street shops can be found. There is a wide range of boutique and designer shopping on Parliament Street and in the Montpellier Quarter, as well as independent shopping around Commercial Street.

"Sorry love, no trainers"

Harrogate's shops are adorned with cast-iron pillars, flowers and gold-leaf décor, and are almost as fussy externally as the staff internally. Visitors are advised that they should be adorned with the latest designer fashion accessories if they require customer service. The average price of a wrist watch in Harrogate is a five figure sum.

Tea, £15 at happy hour!

Betty's tea room is Harrogate's "greasy spoon", and if you think the chippy is posh, you have seen nothing yet. Coaches full of pensioners from miles around flock to Betty's on a Sunday afternoon. The queues outside the café resemble the queues outside a popular nightclub, and doormen are employed to prevent outbreaks of violence and to check the OAP's are adhering to the cafe's strict dress-code.

Eating out, is almost as popular in Harrogate as drinking out, and the town well served by bar-restaurants. Parliament Street and Cheltenham Parade are lined with many independent and chain restaurants, while there is also a concentration of chain restaurants on John Street and Albert Street. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver opened a restaurant in Harrogate in 2014, on the basis that the average resident spends more of their disposable income on food and drink, than the residents of Henley-on-Thames. The locals describe Oliver's restaurant as "a bit cheap and nasty".

"Discount? Ha ha no. To you Sir, we can only offer dreams."

Harrogate has the densest number of public relations firms in the UK and was the birthplace of the marketing strategy of "cool-sounding but absolute bollocks." Restaurants serve ingredients that 'nestle', 'relax', 'recline', 'drape' or 'levitate' over a 'root-diamond', and are often 'enrobed', 'striated' or 'encouraged' with the 'gift' of oil. Bed Restaurant tells passers by: "We serve yum food without too much of a do, will rise to the occasion...or we can all have a giggle. Be it an early night in B.e.d., a group-session or a wee bit of Corporate Pillow Talk we wont leave you disappointed.". and they probably won't; unless you go there hoping for sex.

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